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How to Stay Calm Under Pressure

Chocking  Imagine you are at the golf stadium and your favorite  golfer going to take his winning shot, he is just one shot away from win. The crowd holds its breath, and at the crucial moment, he misses the shot. That competitor must experienced a phenomenon which we call "Chocking". After the practice of months or years when a person fails when it matters most. Chocking is common in sports, where performance often occurs under intense pressure and depends on key moments. Chocking also happens with public speakers and most famous musicians. Most people blame it on their nerves, but why does being nervous undermine expert performance? There are two sets of theories about this, which both say that primarily, chocking under pressure boils down to focus. Distraction First their are the theory of distraction, this theory suggest that performance suffers when the mind is preoccupied with doubts, worries and fears instead of focusing its attention on performing the task which is gi

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