Being A Leader


It is not only a word but it is an responsibility. When we talk about leader their are some names come in our mind like Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, Bhagat Singh and many more. Being a leader is something something which ask only few qualities.

Before discussing the qualities of a leader let's understand who is a leader or what is the real meaning of leader.

who is a leader?

A leader is someone who is always ready for others. Anyone can be a leader you me or anyone else. A leader is someone who take decision according to the benefit of team, before thinking about himself he thinks about others. He always put himself in other shoes and try to feel like them.

who is not a leader?

A person who always think about himself never can be a leader. A leader is never a boss because boss give work to others while a leader do work with others. person  who never interacts with others can not be a leader.

it's about the meaning of leader, Now let's discuss qualities of a leader.

Leadership traits

1. confident

A leader has to be confident because he has to lead a team/group so confidence is required if the leader is not confident so the whole team feel under the weather. A leader is backbone and if the backbone is not straight it means the whole team is going to face that.

2. Knowledgeable

Leader has to be knowledgeable. He must has the full knowledge about the task or work so he can help others in understanding the task. Being knowledgeable will also help him in taking correct decisions during problems.

3. Learner 

Learning from others or mistakes help in growing and understanding the things properly so a leader has the quality to learn. He has to learn from his mistakes and from others so he can handle difficult and worst situations.

4. Caring

Being careful toward others is a quality which must have in a leader. As a leader you have to take care of your members. caring is something which help to make a good bond between team members, and a leader you need to be in good relation and bond with members and others.

5. Fair while taking decisions 

Leader is always has to be fair with his decisions. While taking decisions he he has to think about the benefit of whole team not for someone special. Everything depend on the decision of leader so he has to be clear because his one mistake can create more problem for others.

6. Ready for taking challenges

Challenges are the part of life and challenges make us strong so a leader must have ready for the challenges. No-one knows what kind of challenges he/she has to face so it is important that you have to prepare for everything.

7.  Motivated

Motivation is something by which we can do those things which seem difficult. Motivation help us to achieve success. Motivation help us to come out of difficulties so being motivational is a trait which we need as a leader. If leader is motivated so he can motivate whole team no matter whatever  is the condition .


Leader never think about problem he/she think about solutions and key points. Leader always does only those things which are beneficial for all, he always care about others and learn from mistakes.

Leader is just not only a leader he is also a motivator, caretaker, helper and most important team member. Being leader doesn't mean you are superior it means you have more responsibilities


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