Mini Habits

 Most of us have a problem of managing time , we think we don't have enough time to do everything. We only have limited time and energy, so some things get left behind. Can you manage practicing the guitar, reading novels, and exercise every single day, while working a day job

I can and you could as well.

Today I would like to share some methods, I have found helpful for managing all the goals. It's we call

Mini Habits

A few years ago I decided to read a book in my daily life, and make it a daily habit so I said to myself from today I will read a book for 15 minutes daily but, I was unable to do even I hadn't start. I thought ok! I will do it tomorrow but it didn't work out.

then I decided to make a change, instead of doing a lot,  I decided to make my reading practice easy. I just decreased the time from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. By this way no matters whatever is going to happen I am able to achieve my goal.

The problem which we all have is we expect from us a lot and just because of a lot of expectations sometimes we achieve nothing.

What are mini habits?

Mini habits are those habits where we set our daily goal on a small scale or with low expectation so we  can achieve them daily without any excuse or problem and someone who is stuck can achieve success.

Advantage of mini habits

Now you think that what is the benefit of doing something for 5 minutes, it is not useful so the advantages are are here

- Mini habits provide us quick wins, it provides us motivation to do more and see progress.

- It allows you to accomplish goals which seems productive.

- It develops a base to continue something interesting.

- Mini habits are often easy so you never feel burden in doing your activities.

Mini habits help us to start something on small stage and gradually you can make that habit.

Need of mini habits 

- Mini habits provide us a blue print of doing something.

- Help to increase your self-efficancy.

-  In mini habits we take some small steps which makes a great change.

- It destroys fear and hesitation.


Mini habits are just not help to make habits and provide platform but it also help to innovate, take first step and learn things. Mini habits always help to innovate and do more things in less time.


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