Stress in student's life


Stress has become like a partner for the students due to many type of exams. Students has to face many kinds of exams like internal exams, external exams and various kind of curriculum exams. As a student it is necessary to have a free mind because students has to do a lot of work related to work.

Taking stress is also harmful for their growth. School going students are one of those students who take a lot of stress mostly during their exams and board classes which affects their mental health. In this article I will share some tips and ideas which help you to get away from stress.

Causes of students stress


One of the main cause of stress is school. students has to follow rules and regulations of the school and sometimes these rules and regulations become the cause of stress. Making rules is good but school authorities has to think about students while making rules.

Rules are good and they are only for their wealth so students has to follow. They don't have to think too much about that and if they found any problem in any rule so they can share with teachers or principle.


Homework is something which every student hates, during school life no-one wants to do homework. Homework is the second cause of stress for students. They think a lot about homework which cause stress. Sometimes teachers gave them much homework or more than capabilities and this is not good for their health.

Extracurricular activities 

sometimes students take participate in other activities which is good because it helps them to grow more and help to learn new things but sometimes it also cause stress and the reason of this is very simple, due to excitement.
 After listening about any event they think I can do this but suddenly they realise that they have other things to do also and this cause stress in them.

Tips to manage stress

1. Proper Sleep

Students has to do many things during whole day so it is important for them to take proper sleep, Every student or person has to take sound sleep minimum for 8 hours. Taking sound and proper sleep provide rest to your busy mind. Whenever you think that you are too much tired so you can take naps also.

2. Exercise Daily

Exercise is one of the best and healthiest way to stay away from stress. Students can do exercise daily, they can do Yoga, They can go for early morning walk or biking with friends. They have to make it their habit. 

3. Make Schedule 

As a student it is important to always do work on time so every student has to make their own time table and try to follow that. While making schedule you can put everything in that and divide time, this will help you to manage your time and you will not feel stressed.

4. Take Healthy Diet

Everyone needs energy and for energy we eat food which makes us healthy. There is a quote. " An healthy mind always lives in a healthy body" so it is important for every student to eat healthy food.

5. Listen To Music

Music can help you to get relief from stress. Music is one of the best stress burner but while listening music make sure you are not listening any high sound music, listen only that music which provide calmness.


student don't have to worry about obstacles and no need to think too much about anything, they just have to do everything with fun. They have to focus on studies and no need to take stress about anything else, they must have to go outside to play with friends. They can also adopt any hobby which make them happy.


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