Best Way To Learn Something New

 Learning To Learn

When I was a kid I hate studies because I was not a good student. I was from those students for whom learning was the toughest task but as I grew up I came across with some facts and the facts about learning.

There is a pattern of doing everything which we have to follow for example for cycling first you have to learn how to make balance next paddling and then other steps, the same thing applies on learning. 

Learning has its  own way and method and here I will share Best Way To Learn Something.

Steps of learning

1. Try to connect your learning

It happens that whatever we learn we forget easily.  We try a lot but after remembering all things we suddenly forget. This happens with most of the student, now you will think why it happens so the reason we never connect our learning.

try to connect your learning

whatever you are reading you have to connect with your day to day life for example if you learnt how to find parameter of square so try to connect that formula with day to day life, try to find the parameter of your house park so you will never forget formula.

2. We must understand whatever we are learning

One the main mistake which every learner make is he/she never understand what he/she is learning. you don't have to just know you have to understand because whatever we understand we never forget.

Never ever think that you are getting everything, learning is all about understanding and implementation so it is very very important that always understand your topic and be up to date with your learning.

3. Be interested towards learning or find it useful

Interest is most important. If you don't have interest in the work so after trying 100 times also you will not achieve success. Interest  help you to be comfortable towards your learning.

After learn something don't stop yourself next step you have to do is you have to find that your learning is useful or not if yes then keep going and if no then make it useful. Make your learning useful is important to be a better student.

4. Learn in enjoyable way ( Not entertaining)

Start your learning in enjoyable manner, if you learn with enjoyment so you will never feel bore. when you will not feel bore it means you will study for a long time.

always remember that you have to find some ways which makes learning easy and enjoyable for this you can watch videos, play games related to your studies.

5. Ask Questions

Asking questions help you to enhance your learning. When we ask questions it means we are clearing our doubts and clearing your doubts helps you make your leaning clear and strong.

Asking questions also help you to know about the facts behind the learning. students who asks questions are smarter then others because they know their loopholes and by asking questions they are covering that.

6. Make mistakes

In this world no-one is perfect. We all make mistakes so it's ok to make mistakes but always learn from your mistakes. Making mistakes shows that  you are learning something new. The person who never make mistakes it means he is not learning new. make mistakes and learn.


You just have to find those ways which help you to make a great learner. Learning is not tough you just need guidance and path and these points are some of those so just be positive and be hungry towards learning.


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