5 Best Ways To Spend Your Free Time


now a days everyone is busy but it doesn't mean, we are using our whole time efficiently. Most of us waste our time. Time is something which is most important, we can not expand our time like money so we have to use our time wisely.

when we bored what we did, we just watch television or start surfing on internet websites, which is totally wastage of time. In this article I am going to share 5 ways to spend your time wisely. These 5 ways will help you to use your time as a wise person.

5 Ways To Spend Your Time

1. Reading

Reading is something which most of us don't like, we think that reading is boring and we think this just because during our childhood we all forced to read those books which we don't like but when we have choices to read our favorite books then it doesn't seem boring.

Reading is not only help us to come out of boredom but it is also one of the best way to expand our knowledge. Reading can give you a massive advantage especially if you read books about the field you are working in.

There is a reason why most people that make it to the top, read a lot more than an average person. They are able to gain knowledge and develop skill. Reading books can help you to be smart so start reading whenever you get time.

2. Planning, and Goal Setting

people often forget that why they are pursuing something while some are not sure what are going to do in their daily life, this lack of direction often shows boredom that's why having goal is important. Goal is just like a compass which directs you and it provides you motivation to get work done.

If you don't have any goal so it is the perfect time to set your goal. setting goals is fun. while making goal first thing you need is proper plan to reach your goal. While making goal you don't have to keep your goal only in mind but you have to write down that on paper.

It often happens that our brain forget the things but if you have the thing in written so that will remind you. you can also check your progress if you have that in written.

3. Exercise

Exercise is something which everyone knows is good and should be done frequently but not everyone does it. Most people do exercise to look good in the mirror and there's nothing bad with that, it's a nice side effect but there are some reasons why should we do exercise.

A. It improves our brain function

B. It helps us from disconnecting the outer world stimuli

Exercise help us from many ways so if you are feeling bore so go and do some exercise.

4. Clean up your room

Take a look around you will see some dust in the corners. Your room may be not clean.

Always remember our environment affect us a lot, it not only affect our health but it also affects our brain, nature and attitude. If your surrounding is dirty so you will not feel well focused while if your surrounding is clean so you feel focused and your mind work better than before.

I know going for whole cleaning is not possible because it will take whole day so you don't worry, you can go for little bit, you can start from small things and gradually you can complete it.

5. Learn a new skill

Education doesn't done when you finish your school, learning doesn't require any classroom. You will find that the most  accomplished person are in this world who never stop learning, they are constantly improving their skill and gaining new knowledge so when you don't know what you have to do it means it is the correct time to learn a new skill.

Learning a new skill help us to make positive attitude and nothing is bad in learning new things. Learning new help us to know about new facts and knowledge. you can also learn skill related to your work or job.


I have shared best 5 ways which helped me a lot in my free time. you can also try them or you can try you one, my motive is just don't waste your time, do something and achieve targets.

Never stop yourself, always use your time in skillful and knowledgeable things and learnings.


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