The 2 Minute Rule

 Before sharing two minutes rule I want to share a story. This story will help you to understand what is the two-minute rule? and What is the need for a 2-minute rule?

So let's begin...

There is a boy whose name is David. One day David wake up and make a decision that he will do exercise daily and he will read a book also,  for a few days it goes well but after 3 weeks he starts procrastination. He starts saying I will do it tomorrow then tomorrow and tomorrow. After a few days, he stops doing exercise and Reding.

It not only happens with David. The same thing also happens to us. We start something with lots of excitement and after some time we stop that 

So the question is 

Why we lose interest in something after a few weeks or months?

We lose interest in something after some time because it can be a little bit overwhelming for us so we have this mental resistance.

In the beginning when we are super motivated then everything seems to us very easy but gradually that motivation gets fade away. Now the point is How we can keep ourself motivated?

How to be motivated? 

The answer to this question is very easy and the answer is 

- Two Minute Rule

The idea of the two-minute rule is to trick your brain into thinking that the habit you are about to do isn't hard so what you want to do is break that big habit down into a small 2 Minute version of it.

Benefits of the two-minute rule 

The two-minute rule helps you in many ways

-keep you motivated

- Make difficult tasks easy

- Help you to create a habit

The basic idea of the two-minute rule is to make your confidence and motivation the same as it is in the starting.

Now some of you think that doing something in a very small manner is useless so my friend nothing is useless.

When we start doing something from a small scale in the last we get the great and big result
For example, if you one line so one day it will become one paragraph, then paragraph will become a chapter and in the last chapters will become a book.

What we need is just to follow the thing we don't have to stop after some time.
Do little but at least do.

Everything starts from its small version but in the last that changes the world.


Never stop whatever you started just take small steps and do persistently, at the last you will achieve your goal.

Make your self mentally and physically balanced. Follow the 2-minute rule.


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