Best Method To Crack SSB interview without any coaching

If you have cleared your NDA exam then be ready for the SSB interview. Here I am going to share some best method which will help you to clear your SSB interview.

Before sharing the best ways of clearing SSB interview let's understand what are the things you are going to see during this interview.

During this interview period, you have to spend your five days.

Here they are:-

First day: Screening test

1: IQ Test Verbal And Non-Verbal

2: Picture Perception & Picture Description Test

     For air force - Pilate Aptitude Battery Test

1: part 1 - Instrument Reading Test (Written Test)

2: part 2 - Machine Test On Computer

Second day: Physiological Test

1: Thematic Appreciation Test ( TAT)

2: Self Description Test (SDT)

3: World Association Test (SAT)

4: Situation Reaction Test( SRT)

third, Fourth Day: Group Testing Officer's Test And Interviews

1: Group Discussion (G.D)

2: Military Planning Exercises

3: Group Obstacle Race 

4: Individual Lecturette

Fourth Day

1: Command Task 

2: Final Group Task

Fifth day: Conference and Results Declaration

1: Closing Address

2: Conference

3: Result Declaration

When you will clear all these stages only then you will be successful so ...

How you will clear them?

For that here we have some best ways which will help you in clearing these stages.

Screening Test

For clearing screening test which contains Verbal and Non Verbal IQ Test you need a lot of dedication.

- Read Competitive Books
- Practice Course Material

For the picture perception, you must have to read competitive books available nearby you in local markets and solve as much you can solve.

Physiological Test

To clear TAT you need well and good comprehension skill and you must have to develop analysing power.

- Read passages related to questions
- Increase Concentration power
-Right practice

In SDT you have to share about yourself so you must have to know about you and how to express yourself

- Practice In Front Of The Mirror
- Better Understanding Of Yourself

WAT is related to words, spelling and vocabulary

 - Sense Of Assimilation
- Play With Words

SRT needs great presences of mental alertness because in this you have to provide to the point answer and make the right decision.

Group Testing Officer's Test And Interviews

Clearing group discussion is a little bit simple you just have to know about good communication skills and communicate with other team members 

Military planning exercises you need here military mind. You must have to know about how to handle the war-like situation. 

Group obstacle race in this you have to be physically fit and great teamwork.

In group task, you have to do work in a group so you must know about some leadership traits and how to work in a group

- Spend Time With Members 
- Make them Comfortable with you
- Be Helpful

Group Testing Officer's Test And Interviews

In this, you have to again show your teamwork and leadership qualities. You have to express yourself well and without fear.

Conference and Results Declaration

On this day you don't have to do anything you have to just wait for the result

If you get selected then time for celebration

I hope above mentioned things help you to achieve your dream.

Ways to learn without coaching

As we all know that taking coaching is not capable for everyone because it costs a huge amount of money and many interviewers are unable to pay that so 

Here are some ways to study at home.

- Read books Available
- Search on Internet And other Websites
- Make Groups with Other People who are appearing in the same exam
- Make Contact With Those Who Have Cleared Already
- Do Daily Practice
- Solve Previous Year Papers

If you follow these steps so you don't need any coaching. You just need determination and concentration.

Let's open your wings and get ready to fly


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